The ultimate ABOUT page formula- Includes DIY copy template

Understanding Your Audience

You may be a coach, creator, or freelancer driven by the joy of impacting lives, bringing happiness, and offering unique solutions to those you serve. To truly connect, step into the shoes of those joining you on this journey.

1.1 Craft for the Heartbeats You Hear

Each click on your ABOUT page hides a narrative. Maybe it’s a quest for inspiration, a search for a kindred creative, or an earnest inquiry into 'how do you do all this, woman?' Read between the lines and fiddle your craft to mirror their desires.

1.2 Appeal to Their Journeys

Your story can resonate, not just because it’s yours, but because of how it orbits parallel to your audience. Recognize their milestones and find the points where your path and theirs cross—the similarities that stand in every original story.

Section Two: Crafting Your Story

Humans are sponges – soft, porous, and constantly seeking narratives to absorb. Now, it’s time to wring out the best bits of yours.

2.1 From the Heart

Your ABOUT page isn’t your resume in fancy dress. It’s a poetic play of where your heartbeats led you, the midnight sketches brought to life, and the challenges that turned you into the beast at beating them!

2.2 Flirt with Anecdotes

From the spontaneous dance during delivery day to the incident that convinced you to never impose a 'no coffee' rule again, these small anecdotes intricately weave intrigue into your narrative.

2.3 The Who and The What

Who are you? What kind of magic are you working here? Breaking down these basics in a simple way gives your visitor a digestible taste of your story.

Section Three: Highlighting Your Expertise

No need for disguises or deception here – simply showcase your skills and witness the transformation of opportunities.

3.1 Uncover the Power of Your 'Why'

Why do you value these skills? Share the reason(s) that are driving your pursuit; frequently, it's your 'why' that makes the greatest impact.

3.2 Revealing the Intriguing Subplots

Presenting a sprinkle of statistics, rather than an overwhelming flood, establishes the credibility of your expertise without drowning your visitor in unnecessary jargon. Consider your accomplishments as the driving force behind your narrative—quiet, influential, and unquestionably vital.

3.3 What the World Says

Sprinkle tidbits from testimonials like confetti; they’re the voices that echo your resume’s sentiments, but louder.

Section Four: Call to Action

The show is almost over. A play isn't complete without an invitation to the next act.

4.1 Step onto the Merry-Go-Round

Extend an invitation to engage, a journey to explore your offerings, products, or the next treasure trove of content.

4.2 The Access Pass

Ensure contact is effortless – this is the beginning of a relationship, after all.

4.3 Opening the Door

Guide them towards involvement, whether through signing up for a newsletter or attending the grand opening of your digital studio.


Your ABOUT page isn't just about you; it's about 'us'—the shared orbits of your journey and the curious explorers drawn to your light. Click here to download your About Page Copy Template. An easy-to-follow approach, that'll help you craft an ABOUT page that doesn't just describe who you are, but invites others into the enchanting realm of your story.

Remember, this is a dance—a graceful tango with your audience. Adjust your movements; savor the harmonious blend of hearts and narratives. And when that connection aligns perfectly, the result is truly magical, uniquely you.

Ready to revamp your website with fresh copy and content?! Apply to work with me for professional writing that breathes life into your brand, resonates with your audience, and reflects authenticity for your ideal clients.

Additional Tips

Quick Pointers to Keep the Spotlight Adjusted:

Stay Updated - Your page is a living organism, not a fossil in time. Refresh it with new feats and faces.

Pardon The Mess - Before glittery perfection comes, there’s editing, and boy does it get messy. But the art lies in the mayhem.

The Sparkle in SEO - Peppering your narrative with fine-grained keywords is the fairy dust that beckons search engines.

This blog will act as a guiding star in your digital constellation, steering you towards an ABOUT page that not only sells your story but captures the essence of those that’ll join you in making it. Now go sprinkle that stardust!


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